Virtual Laboratory Wiki
   LOCUS       NC_008571            3798465 bp    DNA     circular BCT 04-APR-2007
   DEFINITION  Gramella forsetii KT0803, complete genome.
   ACCESSION   NC_008571
   VERSION     NC_008571.1  GI:120434372
   KEYWORDS    complete genome.
   SOURCE      Gramella forsetii KT0803
     ORGANISM  Gramella forsetii KT0803
               Bacteria; Bacteroidetes; Flavobacteria; Flavobacteriales;
               Flavobacteriaceae; Gramella.
   REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 3798465)
     AUTHORS   Bauer,M., Kube,M., Teeling,H., Richter,M., Lombardot,T., Allers,E.,
               Wurdemann,C.A., Quast,C., Kuhl,H., Knaust,F., Woebken,D.,
               Bischof,K., Mussmann,M., Choudhuri,J.V., Meyer,F., Reinhardt,R.,
               Amann,R.I. and Glockner,F.O.
     TITLE     Whole genome analysis of the marine Bacteroidetes'Gramella
               forsetii' reveals adaptations to degradation of polymeric organic
     JOURNAL   Environ. Microbiol. 8 (12), 2201-2213 (2006)
      PUBMED   17107561
   REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 3798465)
     CONSRTM   NCBI Genome Project
     TITLE     Direct Submission
     JOURNAL   Submitted (10-JAN-2007) National Center for Biotechnology
               Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
   REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 3798465)
     AUTHORS   Kube,M., Bauer,M., Kuhl,H., Knaust,F., Mueller,I. and Reinhardt,R.
     TITLE     Direct Submission
     JOURNAL   Submitted (03-NOV-2006) Max Planck Institute for Molecular
               Genetics, proScience Ihnestrasse 73, D-14195 Berlin, Germany
   COMMENT     PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final
               NCBI review. The reference sequence was derived from CU207366.
               This project was carried out by
               *Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany; *Max
               Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen, Germany;
               -------------- Genome Center
                    Center: Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics
                    Center code: MPIMG
               -------------- Annotation
                    Center: Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology
                            Celsiusstrasse 1, D-28359 Bremen, Germany.
                    Center Code: MPIMM
               COMPLETENESS: full length.

Расположение РНК[]

Начало Конец Направление Длина PID Ген COG Комментарий
86842 86926 - 85 120434372 GFO_0055 - 15 Leu tRNA
116560 116650 + 91 120434372 GFO_0087 - 08 Ser tRNA
179274 179349 + 76 120434372 GFO_0147 - 05 Gln tRNA
302192 302264 + 73 120434372 GFO_0255 - 01 Gly tRNA
302280 302367 + 88 120434372 GFO_0256 - 15 Leu tRNA
431901 431977 + 77 120434372 GFO_0372 - 11 Arg tRNA
496148 496223 + 76 120434372 GFO_0420 - 01 Gly tRNA
509639 509712 + 74 120434372 GFO_0435 - 11 Arg tRNA
676170 677696 + 1527 120434372 GFO_0607 - 16S ribosomal RNA
677869 677945 + 77 120434372 GFO_0608 - 14 Ile tRNA
678097 678173 + 77 120434372 GFO_0609 - 02 Ala tRNA
678407 681230 + 2824 120434372 GFO_0610 - 23S ribosomal RNA
681394 681502 + 109 120434372 GFO_0611 - 5S ribosomal RNA
742941 743025 + 85 120434372 GFO_0670 - 08 Ser tRNA
848517 848590 + 74 120434372 GFO_0763 - 09 His tRNA
905135 905212 + 78 120434372 GFO_0815 - 03 Pro tRNA
929038 929114 + 77 120434372 GFO_0841 - 03 Pro tRNA
1489334 1489410 - 77 120434372 GFO_1439 - 16 Met tRNA
1727790 1727874 + 85 120434372 GFO_1670 - 08 Ser tRNA
1728004 1728081 + 78 120434372 GFO_1671 - 03 Pro tRNA
1753354 1753430 + 77 120434372 GFO_1696 - 11 Arg tRNA
1988843 1988951 - 109 120434372 GFO_1895 - 5S ribosomal RNA
1989116 1991938 - 2823 120434372 GFO_1896 - 23S ribosomal RNA
1992172 1992248 - 77 120434372 GFO_1897 - 02 Ala tRNA
1992400 1992476 - 77 120434372 GFO_1898 - 14 Ile tRNA
1992649 1994175 - 1527 120434372 GFO_1899 - 16S ribosomal RNA
2507450 2507523 - 74 120434372 GFO_2359 - 12 Thr tRNA
2526618 2526690 - 73 120434372 GFO_2377 - 20 Trp tRNA
2527991 2528065 - 75 120434372 GFO_2379 - 12 Thr tRNA
2528342 2528417 - 76 120434372 GFO_2381 - 01 Gly tRNA
2528489 2528573 - 85 120434372 GFO_2383 - 18 Tyr tRNA
2528880 2528953 - 74 120434372 GFO_2384 - 12 Thr tRNA
2551392 2551467 + 76 120434372 GFO_2408 - 10 Lys tRNA
2551497 2551569 + 73 120434372 GFO_2409 - 10 Lys tRNA
2551737 2551821 + 85 120434372 GFO_2410 - 15 Leu tRNA
2846396 2846467 - 72 120434372 GFO_2732 - 04 Glu tRNA
2846536 2846610 - 75 120434372 GFO_2733 - 04 Glu tRNA
3015846 3015920 - 75 120434372 GFO_2895 - 13 Val tRNA
3016512 3016586 - 75 120434372 GFO_2897 - 13 Val tRNA
3041212 3041320 - 109 120434372 GFO_2911 - 5S ribosomal RNA
3041485 3044307 - 2823 120434372 GFO_2912 - 23S ribosomal RNA
3044541 3044617 - 77 120434372 GFO_2913 - 02 Ala tRNA
3044769 3044845 - 77 120434372 GFO_2914 - 14 Ile tRNA
3045378 3046544 - 1167 120434372 GFO_2915 - 16S ribosomal RNA
3128580 3128655 + 76 120434372 GFO_2982 - 17 Phe tRNA
3158482 3158557 - 76 120434372 GFO_3004 - 16 Met tRNA
3182583 3182659 - 77 120434372 GFO_3024 - 06 Asp tRNA
3356873 3356949 - 77 120434372 GFO_3194 - 07 Asn tRNA
3471141 3471214 + 74 120434372 GFO_3310 - 19 Cys tRNA
3501770 3501846 + 77 120434372 GFO_3336 - 16 Met tRNA
3528821 3528897 + 77 120434372 GFO_3371 - 02 Ala tRNA
3612688 3612759 + 72 120434372 GFO_3454 - 11 Arg tRNA
3653965 3654046 + 82 120434372 GFO_3487 - 15 Leu tRNA