Virtual Laboratory Wiki
   LOCUS       NC_008044            3200938 bp    DNA     circular BCT 24-MAY-2006
   DEFINITION  Silicibacter sp. TM1040, complete genome.
   ACCESSION   NC_008044
   VERSION     NC_008044.1  GI:99079841
   KEYWORDS    .
   SOURCE      Silicibacter sp. TM1040
     ORGANISM  Silicibacter sp. TM1040
               Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Alphaproteobacteria; Rhodobacterales;
               Rhodobacteraceae; Silicibacter.
   REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 3200938)
     AUTHORS   Copeland,A., Lucas,S., Lapidus,A., Barry,K., Detter,J.C., Glavina
               del Rio,T., Hammon,N., Israni,S., Dalin,E., Tice,H., Pitluck,S.,
               Brettin,T., Bruce,D., Han,C., Tapia,R., Goodwin,L., Thompson,L.S.,
               Gilna,P., Schmutz,J., Larimer,F., Land,M., Hauser,L., Kyrpides,N.,
               Kim,E., Belas,R., Moran,M.A., Buchan,A., Gonzalez,J.M.,
               Schell,M.A., Sun,F. and Richardson,P.
     CONSRTM   US DOE Joint Genome Institute
     TITLE     Complete sequence of chromosome of Silicibacter sp. TM1040
     JOURNAL   Unpublished
   REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 3200938)
     CONSRTM   NCBI Genome Project
     TITLE     Direct Submission
     JOURNAL   Submitted (23-MAY-2006) National Center for Biotechnology
               Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
   REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 3200938)
     AUTHORS   Copeland,A., Lucas,S., Lapidus,A., Barry,K., Detter,J.C., Glavina
               del Rio,T., Hammon,N., Israni,S., Dalin,E., Tice,H., Pitluck,S.,
               Brettin,T., Bruce,D., Han,C., Tapia,R., Goodwin,L., Thompson,L.S.,
               Gilna,P., Schmutz,J., Larimer,F., Land,M., Hauser,L., Kyrpides,N.,
               Kim,E., Belas,R., Moran,M.A., Buchan,A., Gonzalez,J.M.,
               Schell,M.A., Sun,F. and Richardson,P.
     CONSRTM   US DOE Joint Genome Institute
     TITLE     Direct Submission
     JOURNAL   Submitted (11-MAY-2006) US DOE Joint Genome Institute, 2800
               Mitchell Drive B100, Walnut Creek, CA 94598-1698, USA
   COMMENT     PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final
               NCBI review. The reference sequence was derived from CP000377.
               URL --
               JGI Project ID: 3634501
               Source DNA and bacteria available from Mary Ann Moran
               Contacts: Mary Ann Moran (
                         Paul Richardson (
               Quality assurance done by JGI-Stanford
               Annotation done by JGI-ORNL and JGI-PGF
               Finishing done by JGI-LANL
               Finished microbial genomes have been curated to close all gaps with
               greater than 98% coverage of at least two independent clones. Each
               base pair has a minimum q (quality) value of 30 and the total error
               rate is less than one per 50000.
               The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the
               distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the
               larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to
               follow them. it is our intention to publish the work of this
               project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative
               interaction on the project and analysis.
               Additional Comments:
               Re: Chromosome Location:3038240, unresolved hard GC stop; Finkit
               used with two different primers failed to go through this hard
               stop, hairpin not identified, therefore potentially missing bases
               COMPLETENESS: full length.

Расположение РНК[]

Начало Конец Направление Длина PID Ген COG Комментарий
133517 133591 - 75 99079841 TM1040_R0001 - 13 Val tRNA
144962 146416 + 1455 99079841 TM1040_R0002 - 16S ribosomal RNA
146556 146632 + 77 99079841 TM1040_R0003 - 14 Ile tRNA
146698 146773 + 76 99079841 TM1040_R0004 - 02 Ala tRNA
147318 150161 + 2844 99079841 TM1040_R0005 - 23S ribosomal RNA
150399 150513 + 115 99079841 TM1040_R0006 - 5S ribosomal RNA
150565 150641 + 77 99079841 TM1040_R0007 - 16 Met tRNA
185651 185750 + 100 99079841 TM1040_R0008 - SRP RNA; RNA component of signal recognition particle
322763 322839 + 77 99079841 TM1040_R0009 - 11 Arg tRNA
452000 452076 - 77 99079841 TM1040_R0010 - 16 Met tRNA
572500 572574 + 75 99079841 TM1040_R0011 - 05 Gln tRNA
832030 832104 + 75 99079841 TM1040_R0012 - 13 Val tRNA
909925 910000 + 76 99079841 TM1040_R0013 - 13 Val tRNA
910354 910430 + 77 99079841 TM1040_R0014 - 06 Asp tRNA
910513 910589 + 77 99079841 TM1040_R0015 - 06 Asp tRNA
910673 910749 + 77 99079841 TM1040_R0016 - 06 Asp tRNA
972863 972939 - 77 99079841 TM1040_R0017 - 03 Pro tRNA
1051685 1051759 - 75 99079841 TM1040_R0018 - 07 Asn tRNA
1237578 1237654 + 77 99079841 TM1040_R0019 - 03 Pro tRNA
1257137 1257222 + 86 99079841 TM1040_R0020 - 15 Leu tRNA
1289648 1289737 - 90 99079841 TM1040_R0021 - 08 Ser tRNA
1307059 1307135 - 77 99079841 TM1040_R0022 - 11 Arg tRNA
1415927 1416011 - 85 99079841 TM1040_R0023 - 15 Leu tRNA
1416226 1416299 + 74 99079841 TM1040_R0024 - 01 Gly tRNA
1534030 1534119 - 90 99079841 TM1040_R0025 - 08 Ser tRNA
1546191 1546526 + 336 99079841 TM1040_R0026 - tmRNA
1579604 1579679 + 76 99079841 TM1040_R0027 - 16 Met tRNA
1582218 1582292 + 75 99079841 TM1040_R0028 - 07 Asn tRNA
1788222 1788305 - 84 99079841 TM1040_R0029 - 15 Leu tRNA
1846712 1846785 - 74 99079841 TM1040_R0030 - 19 Cys tRNA
1934839 1934912 - 74 99079841 TM1040_R0031 - 01 Gly tRNA
2017485 2017717 - 233 99079841 TM1040_R0032 - RNA component of RNaseP
2139444 2139518 + 75 99079841 TM1040_R0033 - 01 Gly tRNA
2139710 2139784 + 75 99079841 TM1040_R0034 - 01 Gly tRNA
2139963 2140037 + 75 99079841 TM1040_R0035 - 01 Gly tRNA
2152949 2153032 - 84 99079841 TM1040_R0036 - Xaa tRNA
2156715 2156837 + 123 99079841 TM1040_R0037 -
2225464 2225540 - 77 99079841 TM1040_R0038 - 09 His tRNA
2277500 2277574 + 75 99079841 TM1040_R0039 - 04 Glu tRNA
2277789 2277863 + 75 99079841 TM1040_R0040 - 04 Glu tRNA
2517265 2517340 - 76 99079841 TM1040_R0041 -
2517342 2517447 - 106 99079841 TM1040_R0042 -
2575693 2575768 + 76 99079841 TM1040_R0043 - 20 Trp tRNA
2576175 2576264 + 90 99079841 TM1040_R0044 - 08 Ser tRNA
2638185 2638319 + 135 99079841 TM1040_R0045 -
2821104 2821181 - 78 99079841 TM1040_R0046 - 11 Arg tRNA
2972614 2972689 - 76 99079841 TM1040_R0047 - 10 Lys tRNA
2982627 2982731 - 105 99079841 TM1040_R0048 -
2984411 2984497 - 87 99079841 TM1040_R0049 - 15 Leu tRNA
2984654 2984740 - 87 99079841 TM1040_R0050 - 15 Leu tRNA
2994766 2994841 + 76 99079841 TM1040_R0051 - 12 Thr tRNA