LOCUS NC_001471 254 bp ss-RNA linear VRL 10-JUL-2008
DEFINITION Coconut tinangaja viroid, complete genome.
VERSION NC_001471.1 GI:11496572
DBLINK Project:14662
SOURCE Coconut tinangaja viroid
ORGANISM Coconut tinangaja viroid
Viroids; Pospiviroidae; Cocadviroid.
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 254)
AUTHORS Keese,P., Osorio-Keese,M.E. and Symons,R.H.
TITLE Coconut tinangaja viroid: sequence homology with coconut
cadang-cadang viroid and other potato spindle tuber viroid related
JOURNAL Virology 162 (2), 508-510 (1988)
PUBMED 3341120
REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 254)
CONSRTM NCBI Genome Project
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Submitted (01-DEC-2000) National Center for Biotechnology
Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
COMMENT PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final
NCBI review. The reference sequence was derived from M20731.
Draft entry and computer readable copy of sequence [1] kindly
provided by R.H.Symons (09/22/88).
COMPLETENESS: full length.
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..254
/organism="Coconut tinangaja viroid"
/mol_type="genomic RNA"
misc_feature 1..17
/note="T domain"
misc_feature 18..41
/note="P domain"
misc_feature 42..86
/note="C domain"
misc_feature 87..107
/note="V domain"
misc_feature 108..148
/note="T2 domain"
variation 117
/note="t in one variant; a in another"
variation 121
/note="t in one variant; c in another"
misc_feature 149..166
/note="V domain"
misc_feature 167..216
/note="C domain"
misc_feature 217..239
/note="P domain"
misc_feature 240..254
/note="T domain"
1 ctggggaatt cccacggctc ggcaaaataa aagcacaaga gcgactgcta gagggatccc
61 cggggaaacc cctagcaacc gaggtaggga gcgtacctgg tgtcgccgat tcgtgctggt
121 tgggcttcgt cccttccgag cttcgatccg acgcccggcc gcttcctcgc cgaagctgct
181 acggagacta cccggtggat acaactcttt gcagcgccct gtgtaataaa agctcgagtc
241 cggtttgcgc ccct
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